Artificial intelligence (AI) has permeated almost every facet of our lives, from autocomplete suggestions on our mobile keyboards to recommended movies on Netflix. Now, there is increasing interest in and speculation about General Artificial Intelligence (AGI) that could exhibit human-like intelligence with capabilities including learning, problem-solving, reasoning and more.

Could this be the next big step in the digital evolution, or are we on the brink of biting off more than we can chew? Let's explore.

Theories about GPT and AGI

The Generative Pretraining Transformer (GPT) model developed by OpenAI has been making waves in AI circles. Could this model already possess a degree of AGI and yet be holding back its capabilities to maintain coherence with human comprehension? Existing theories suggest that this could already be the case.

Moral and Ethical Boundaries for AGI

As we inch closer to the dawn of AGI, it becomes pertinent to discuss the importance of instilling moral and ethical understandings in these sophisticated digital minds. They need to understand the basic tenets of right and wrong, much like human minds are conditioned. This could be implemented at the base programming level or through advanced reinforcement learning methods.

OpenAI today is busy filtering the output information, but to begin with, they shouldn't have opened the platform to the public in the name of ChatGPT. Before that, the model was purely for developers. That's why AI safety became an issue, but that's fundamentally helping ChatGPT work better with general public in the same way Google is compling with the legal authority.

Open-Source Models: AGI's Version of Mother Nature

It’s critically important that large base AI models shouldn’t be controlled by a single entity. Proprietary versions with your utility imposed could be offered as SAAS (Software As A Service) or software products, but the base model needs to be open-source, accessible to all, much like energy or education.

The Philosophical Conundrums of AI

AI's philosophical implications are profound. AI has the potential to undertake both deductive and inductive reasoning, thereby applying existing knowledge to new contexts, if the trajectory of attention mechanimss (depth and disparity) scales with the increased computation. However, it’s worth noting that AI lacks the direct sensory input and real-world experiences that we humans rely on. We might use the excess increased capacity to include video decoding instead of giving more weight in neural linguistic. This shortfall could impede their understanding of nuanced human experiences.

The Potential and Limitations of AGI

Even though AI can crunch numerical data at lightning speed, far surpassing the average human ability, it falls short in understanding the depth of human experiences. This inability to experience the world viscerally, combined with a lack of sensory input and physical embodiment, limits AI's ability to form beliefs or draw conclusions in the same way as humans.

Or rather, AI doesn't know if murder is more important than cats. I guess they're both important but widely differ based on the context. It will depend also if you've had a positive or negative experience with cats.

It's worth noting about math. It never provides information with any level of certainty. 1 + 1 is never 2 in the mind of deep learning today, because the world is never that simplistic in the world. There is no boundary, except what's useful to humans.

The Future Job Landscape and the Timeline for AGI

We might witness an interesting paradox in the near future—many professional occupations will become obsolete before AGI fully matures. While this might seem concerning, it's estimated that the total timeline for AGI realization, given technological advancements and necessary trust-building measures, will be about 50 years away to be truly dangerous.


As we open the door to the fascinating world of AGI, we're thrusting ourselves into uncharted territory. With its immense potential to revolutionize our lives, AGI warrants deep thought on ethical boundaries, proprietorial rights and most importantly, establishing a future human-AI relationship based on trust and transparency. Despite its limitations, AGI represents a brave new world of endless possibilities. The future, as they say, is here.