The course of human history has been marked by the relentless quest for improvement and better understanding of our world. Two fields where this quest has left an indelible impact are medical research and artificial intelligence (AI). Over the past decades, we've seen substantial advancements in both areas. Yet, for all their individual progress, when looking at both collectively, there seems to be a strikingly parallel trajectory.

Drawing comparisons and looking for patterns in the development of artificial intelligence and medical research may provide intriguing insights into our future.

Fixating on the Specific: A Review of Early Days

In the mid-20th century, medical researchers honed in on specific diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, and heart attack. Their aim was to understand, prevent, and cure these ailments. This focus became sharper after 1950 when the US and many parts of the developed world implemented basic prevention techniques like vaccines and improved sanitation, successfully reducing child mortality. The 1971 declaration of the War on Cancer by Richard Nixon marked an acceleration of these efforts.

The AI field showed similar specialization trends. From the dawn of AI in the 20th century, efforts were primarily centered around narrow AI, aimed at mastering specific tasks like natural language processing (NLP) and image recognition. Researchers utilized numerous techniques, with deep learning and neural networks eventually emerging as the versatile and promising methods that could potentially push the frontiers of AI knowledge.

A Common Ground: The Rise of Holistic Approaches

However, from the 1990s onwards, a shift emerged in both fields. In medical research, attention turned towards aging when the Nobel Prize winner Yoshinori Ohsumi discovered the phenomenon of autophagy - a process where cells naturally cleanse themselves of toxins and repair their own damage. This holistic approach to health promises a solution to a wide variety of diseases and could significantly extend our lifespan. After all, most diseases occur towards the end of our life. Many began to view aging as the ultimate disease to conquer, turning from fixing specific diseases to a singular focus on anti-aging.

Similarly in AI, early specialization gave way to a broader, more holistic approach. The rigorous pursuit of deep learning and neural networks has been pushing all narrow AI of text tokenization and image recognition techniques towards a unified goal of creating a comprehensive smart system. Echoing the comprehensive approach of anti-aging, AI researchers transitioned from task-specific intelligence to a universal, all-encompassing machine learning system.

Looking Ahead: The Significance of Parallel Progress

So, what does this parallel mean for our future? It has been seven decades since Alan Turing introduced the Turing Test, and many predict that achieving superintelligence will take in the mark of 80-100th years. If the development of AI and medical research continue to mirror each other, we could see a significant increase in health span within the next two decades. As we're slowly moving towards an epoch of superintelligence, we might find ourselves simultaneously unlocking the secret to longevity and unprecedented health.

It's crucial to understand that these advancements aren't linear. Like many aspects of science and technology, they require a certain threshold and accumulation of knowledge and technology to achieve significant breakthroughs. Yet, this brief historical interrelation reminds us of the potential landmark advancements that could be just around the corner.

In conclusion, the parallel evolution of artificial intelligence and medical research provides a compelling narrative about our quest for progress. As we stand on the precipice of the unknown, these parallels offer an exciting insight into what our future may look like, where improved AI and extended health spans coexist to create a world hitherto unimagined.