The understanding and advancement of technology have been the secret ingredients behind human civilization. The transformation from craftsmanship to industrialization and now to the software era reflects the impressive progress we have achieved.

Let's delve into the journey from the apprenticeship law in England to the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The Advent of Industrialization

In the wake of the Industrial Revolution, craftmanship paved the way for manufacturing. From the 15th to the 19th century, skills like weaving, woodworking, tailoring, carpentry, and bricklaying outsourced for industrial production. The implementation of large machinery resulted in economic prosperity, perhaps even more so than the cultural impacts of the era's prevalent innovations like trains, light bulbs, or cars.

Machine vs. Skill

The transition to machinery did not mean the direct replacement of skilled laborers. Instead, the focus shifted towards rapid, uniform, and inexpensive production that did not hinge on individual skills honed over years. Tools once handled by humans are then controlled by machines that perform the same actions at a larger scale. This notion forms the basis of automated operations, akin to Software as a Service (SAAS), which has been prevalent since 2010.

The Mechanism & Economy of Machinery

Essentially, all machinery comprises three elements according to Karl Marx: motor, transmission, and working mechanism. The motor serves as the driving force, whereas the transmission component or the machinery regulates and distributes the motion generated by the motor. Finally, the working machine modifies the object of labor as required. This elemental understanding of machinery revolutionized the industrial sector during the 18th century and ignited the onset of mechanization.

Fast forward to the 21st century, intelligence consists of 3 elements in a similar manner: sensors, computations, and interface. Let's call them artificial intelligence as aggregates. ChatGPT in this sense only belongs to the extension of advanced computation. But it is not true AI. What is good to intelligence when it cannot see the real world, or move accordingly. Interface might be in the form of API to control the 20th century motors; let's call that output the end of AI.

Software continues to automate various aspects in not just the manufacturing sector but also white-collar jobs.

Human Interaction with AI

However, AI replacing human intelligence presents its set of unique challenges. Intelligence-driven aspects like decision-making and 'theory of mind' still rely heavily on human intervention. But as AI continues to evolve, so does the interaction between humans and AI-powered systems.

The emphasis is gradually shifting towards self-sufficient systems that require minimal human intervention, akin to the Google Ads interface. While AI's inability to fully comprehend human nuances might limit its capabilities to take over all human tasks, it does call for an analysis on how AI and humans can work in unison to bring about maximal effectiveness and efficiency.

Changing the Dynamics of Work and Education

Undoubtedly, machinery has revamped the concept of work and education. It introduced the necessity to work within the constraints of time and in a group setting. But as we try to keep up with this ever-evolving technological advancements, the ability to intelligently and efficiently follow instructions has become a valuable trait. Consequently, this trait is as essential for a factory worker operating machinery as it is for a programmer comprehending technical documentation.

Conclusion: The Future Outlook

Marx's analysis has been right about the essence of Industrial Revolution, consisting of energy and gears. That means what is today trendy such as electric cars, renewable energy, supersonic engine, robotics, space exploration, and nuclear fusion are the continuation of 20th century innovation. However exciting their progress is, it's important to distinguish such from the new industrial innovation which consists of artifical intelligence. This new technological evolution is unfolding independent phenomena that continue to redefine how we live and work. As we continue striving towards technological advancements, it's exciting to envision a future where humans and AI collaborate seamlessly, seeking the perfect balance between humans and automation.