I read this book thinking it was great, only to be surprised how many haters are on the reviews. That just proves how unique the book is. I read tons of spiritual books but never heard such a strong philosophical argument for materialism. It was my eureka moment.

I've seen so many of my university friends who struggle post-graduate with their anti-corporation attitudes while needing to earn living. They're in a philosophy trap. I am glad I've picked up this book that updates that incomplete thinking.

What I liked the most was the dialogue. Each dialogue is brilliant (yes they're extremely long, but super educational). I espeically liked how Ayn Rand portrayed the characters Jim and Lilian.

First time I read their conversation, I thought those guys were just normal persons I see in the corporate and in my everyday world. Only after Ayn points their character fraud, I started seeing the true nature. Yes, I can pick up if it's played out in Shakespear. But that's dramatized. No one stabs your brother or pours poison today. Instead, resentment and self-righteousness are so well disguised in subtlety, it's hard to pick up. You want to stay away from those people as far as possible. This book helps surface those attributes again in the still-relevant setting.

I think for the specific of her philosophy, you can debate forever just like you can talk forever of other philosophers. Capitalism, womanhood, meritocracy, etc. But keep in mind, this is novel. You enjoy the characters and narratives.

Every time behaviorists speak we're driven by hormones and custom, I can hear Ayn Rand scream that animal impulsivity doesn't build skyscrapers! When someone falls into an ideologue trap, I can hear her scream not using your own brain is the root of all evil.

Quote on Money

Money will not purchase happiness for the man who has no concept of what he wants: money will not give him a code of values, if he’s evaded the knowledge of what to value, and it will not provide him with a purpose, if he’s evaded the choice of what to seek. Money will not buy intelligence for the fool, or admiration for the coward, or respect for the incompetent.
Wealth is the product of man’s capacity to think.