Throughout history, empires have grown, thrived, and eventually collapsed. Through different eras, we've seen the rise and fall of the Spanish, Mongolian, Mughal, and British Empires among others. The lifespan of a civilization is marked by a sequence of growth, dominance, and decline. The United States, an extension of the British Empire, is not immune to this pattern. This blog delves into the concept that the US is not a separate entity but an outpost of the British Empire that continued its legacy. We explore this trajectory and speculate on what lies ahead as the nation faces adversities.

The Comparative Lens: Spanish and British Empires

The Spanish Empire began its reign in 1492 and ended ultimately in 1808 when Napoleon colonized Spain. In parallel, the British Empire began its establishment in the early 1600s and arguably came to its conclusion in the 1920s when it lost its power due to the World Wars. The story of the United States begins within this period of the British Empire and has since continued.

The Case of Argentina

Argentina, once a colony of Spain, gained its independence in 1818. Its prosperous period stretched from 1862 to 1930, thanks in part to the influx of European migrants. The nation managed to retain a high level of income before experiencing a significant collapse thirty years later. The US, like Argentina, began attracting European immigrants in the post-British Empire era which led to a sustained period of economic growth.

The Mongolian and Mughal Empires: Layers of Transference

The Mongolian Empire kicked off in 1206 and while it ended in 1368, the Mongolian rule didn't stop until the 1800s as humans found new niches on the world map. Similarly, we can consider Europe's spread to be a descendant of Roman civilization, beginning in the 15th or 16th century. The British, French, Russian, and Dutch all borrowed and adapted tactics from previous empires resulting in a lasting influence lasting up to now. It's been over 500 years since then and the question remains: what will be the fate of these once powerful nations?

The American Continuation

The US shouldn't be treated as a separate entity from Europe. One can perceive it to be the colony of the British Empire that has continued in spirit. The culture, language, and systems we associate with the US were brought over by the British, making the US a legacy-bearer more than an independent empire. But as with legacy-bearers, it has the same destiny – to thrive, dominate and eventually decline.

Projections: Looking Into the Future

We lean into the analogy of empires to foresee the future of the US. Like the French revolution or the German chaos that stretched from 1920-1945, the US could undergo chaos and unrest in the next 10 to 15 years. Its recovery may not be as swift or as total as before. We may witness prolonged episodes of civil unrest, economic downturns, and policy mismanagement caused by internal division and elitism.

In Conclusion

The lifespan of civilizations (including the US) can be plotted as cycles of rise, domination, and decline. While it may be beneficial to recognize and honor the unique attributes, achievements, and contributions of the US as a nation, it is also vital not to lose sight of its origins and the cyclical nature of empires.