Ever since the US began internalising its oil and gas policies in 2017 as evident from the trade war with Canada, the reverberations have been felt worldwide.

This is markedly seen in the BRICS expansion into powerhouses such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Iran, that was just announced yesterday. The shift of global economic power from North America to Asia and the Middle East is ushering in a new era of global synergy.

The Success of China and India in Securing Energy Resources

China and India, two of the major powers within the BRICS, have accomplished their mission to secure energy resources in Middle East. That's a remarkable shift from US solely responsible for the European energy need since 2022. It's undeniable; the energy landscape has assumed a new form.

The Battle for a Diminishing Market Share

Even with the world's continued dependency on oil and gas slated to extend well into 2050, the profitability on these precious resources is set to decline significantly. This sets the stage for a bitter geopolitical battle brewed by supplier side logic rather than demand, as nations scramble to secure ever-diminishing market shares.

South America's Crop Economies

Argentina and Brazil's role in the equation are critical, albeit less complex. With decreasing Economic Complexity Index (ECI), these nations predominantly serve as food supplying states to China and India, limiting their economic status to middle-income countries throughout the foreseeable future. But the benefit is mutual where large population countries often felt neglected by the western order.

Technological Aspirations and Energy Dependence

Among a pool of nations largely dependent on oil and gas for economic sustenance, China and India stand as anomalies with their focus on technological advancements. That's evident from the last week's success of India's successful landing onto the moon.

While countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iran, Egypt, and Russia continue to rely predominantly on energy revenues, some, like Saudi Arabia and the UAE, are significantly investing in technology, indicating a promising shift towards a diversified economy.

The Middle East, China and Future Investment Opportunities

Looking ahead, should the US dollar fail, it seems that the Middle East and China may offer positive avenues for secure funding. Despite the unpredictable twists in the geopolitical landscape, these regions' blend of traditional energy sources, emerging technological investments, and stable economic trajectories suggest promising financial security and investment returns.

Final Thoughts

The global economic landscape is undergoing considerable changes with the BRICS expansion into Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Iran. Amid evolving geopolitics and financial dynamics, individuals and organizations looking to invest time, energy, and resources must stay informed about these shifts to make strategic, profitable decisions. The emergence of China and India as global technological powers, coupled with the Middle East's diversification efforts, offers a fresh perspective on future investment opportunities.